We are half way through 2024 already and summer is underway in the northern hemisphere. As we head outdoors to enjoy the summer, our southern friends are heading inside for some winter activities.
Our next management meeting is approaching soon (date to be determined). As we mark just over five years since the formation of PROBUS Global, it is time to review our Strategic Plan, management structure, and the possibility of forming a virtual club. If you're interested in volunteering or contributing in any way, please join us for the Zoom meeting.
PROBUS Global has a repository of newsletters from clubs around the world and links to many more. Browsing the PROBUS Global Newsletter collection offers insights into what club members are up to as a group. I started collecting a list of club activities shown in the calendars and announcements in some of the recent newsletters. We are an active and busy group! I hope this list will encourage your club to add some new activities to your own calendar.
Some clubs are more active than others. Clubs with more members can easily support more activities. The Beaver Valley club in Canada has 597 members!
In the next quarterly newsletter we will feature more suggestions of activities that clubs can offer. What does your club do that is not on our list yet? Let us know in the comments.
The most popular activities seem to revolve around eating and drinking:
Coffee and Chat
High Tea
Appetizer Tasting
Wine Tasting
Beer Tasting
Scotch Tasting
Pizza Night
Happy Hour
Men's Lunch
Ladies Lunch
Meeting with Lunch
Tastes of the World
Cooking Class
Monthly Social
There are probably snacks available for those playing games or competing as well:
Trivia Night
Casino Night
Poker Night
Euchre Night
Cribbage Night
Strategy Board Games
Duplicate Bridge
Social Bridge
Golf Tournament
Bowls Tournament
Bowling Tournament
Pickle Ball
Car Rally
Some groups try to stay active:
Walking Group
Stroll in the Park
Cycling Group
Hiking Group
Others prefer more sedentary activities:
Book Club
Not a Book Club
Film Night
Movie Club
Ladies Chat
Investment Club
Collectibles Club
Arts and Crafts
Knitting Group
ESL Volunteers
And many get out for excursions and trips:
Courthouse Tour
University Research Library Tour
Water Treatment Plant Tour
Historical Tours
Boat Tours
Group Day Trips
Group Holidays
Group Travel
PROBUS Global has the mission of helping our members communicate with each other regardless of their location. If you have any suggestions for improving the website, articles for the next newsletter, suggestions for new activities, or any other feedback, please write to us or comment below.